El Dorado: The Golden City Builder – Review

El Dorado: The Golden City Builder is a strategy game where you build and manage a Mayan city, juggling resource management, construction, and the whims of the gods. The game promises an intriguing premise of balancing these elements to conquer the Yucatan and earn the title of The Golden City. However, its execution is a mixed bag.

Core Gameplay

  • Resource Management: Players must gather food, minerals, and other resources to sustain their city’s growth. This core mechanic is relatively straightforward, but the need to balance resource collection with other aspects of the game adds a layer of complexity.
  • City Building: Building and expanding your city is a fundamental part of the game. Players construct various buildings, from residential and commercial structures to temples and shrines. The building system is intuitive, but the city’s growth can sometimes feel constrained by the terrain.
  • God Management: A unique aspect of El Dorado is the god system. Each Mayan month is ruled by a different god, and players must build specific temples and offer sacrifices to appease them. Failure to do so results in natural disasters that can wreak havoc on your city. This system adds an interesting dynamic but can also feel repetitive.


  • Unique Premise: The concept of appeasing Mayan gods to ensure your city’s survival is refreshing and sets El Dorado apart from other city-builders.
  • Visual Style: The game’s art style, while simple, has a certain charm. The lush jungle setting is visually appealing.
  • Campaign and Sandbox Modes: Offering both a campaign mode with objectives and a sandbox mode for freeform building provides variety for players.


  • Repetitive Gameplay: The core gameplay loop can become repetitive, especially when dealing with the god system. Building the same types of temples month after month can feel monotonous.
  • Resource Management Issues: While not overly complex, resource management can sometimes feel unbalanced. Certain resources may become scarce, while others are plentiful, leading to frustrations.
  • Technical Issues: Players have reported various technical issues, such as performance problems and bugs, which can detract from the overall experience.
  • Lack of Depth: Despite the promising premise, the game lacks depth in many areas. The city-building mechanics are relatively simple, and the god system could have been explored further.

Overall Impression

El Dorado: The Golden City Builder has potential but falls short of its full promise. The game’s core concept is intriguing, but the execution is flawed. While it offers a decent city-building experience, it lacks the depth and polish to truly stand out in the genre. It’s a game that can be enjoyable for casual players but might disappoint those seeking a more challenging and immersive experience.