Sovereign Syndicate – Review

Sovereign Syndicate, released in January 2024, is a narrative-driven RPG set in a Victorian-inspired steampunk London. It immerses players in a world of intrigue, mystery, and moral complexity, with a unique tarot-based system influencing character skills, personality traits, and the story itself.


  • Compelling Narrative: The game’s strength lies in its immersive story, weaving a labyrinthine murder mystery with personal quests for each of the three playable characters. The narrative is rich with historical references, social commentary, and engaging dialogue, creating a captivating experience.
  • Unique Tarot System: The tarot card mechanic is innovative and adds depth to character development and decision-making. Each card represents a personality trait and influences skill checks, dialogue options, and overall narrative outcomes.
  • Multiple Protagonists: Players control three distinct characters, each with their own motivations, personalities, and tarot decks. This allows for diverse perspectives on the story and encourages multiple playthroughs.
  • Lush World Building: The world of Sovereign Syndicate feels alive, with detailed environments, vibrant characters, and a distinct Victorian-steampunk aesthetic. The game’s writing shines in its descriptive language and atmospheric prose.
  • Choice-Driven Consequences: Players’ decisions have meaningful consequences throughout the narrative, shaping the characters’ personalities, relationships, and even the game’s ending.


  • Limited Gameplay: While the narrative is captivating, the gameplay primarily focuses on dialogue choices and exploration, lacking traditional combat or action elements. This might not appeal to players seeking a more action-oriented experience.
  • Technical Issues: Some players have reported technical issues like bugs and performance hiccups, which can hinder the immersion.
  • Unconventional Pacing: The story unfolds gradually, with some finding the early sections slow to build momentum. The final act also feels less impactful compared to the rest of the narrative.
  • Voice Acting: The lack of voice acting might feel jarring for some players accustomed to audio-driven RPGs. While the writing compensates well, it can affect the overall immersion for certain audiences.


Sovereign Syndicate is a unique and compelling narrative-driven RPG for players who appreciate rich stories, character development, and impactful choices. The tarot-based system adds a layer of depth, while the Victorian-steampunk setting provides a captivating backdrop. However, the lack of traditional gameplay elements and potential technical issues might not resonate with everyone.


If you enjoy story-heavy RPGs like Disco Elysium and appreciate innovative mechanics like the tarot system, Sovereign Syndicate is definitely worth a try. However, if you prefer action-oriented gameplay or fully voice-acted experiences, you might find it lacking in some aspects.