Somerville (PS5) – Review

Somerville is a puzzle-adventure game developed by Jumpship and published by Jumpship, Annapurna Interactive, and iam8bit.

The game is set in a small town in Massachusetts, where you play as a family who is separated at the onset of an extraterrestrial invasion. You must use your wits and newfound alien powers to reunite your family and survive the apocalypse.

Somerville is a short game, clocking in at around four hours, but it is packed with content. The game features a variety of puzzles to solve, each of which is challenging but fair. The game also features a number of set pieces that are both visually stunning and emotionally engaging.

One of the things that makes Somerville stand out is its unique art style. The game is rendered in a minimalist style that is both beautiful and haunting. The game’s visuals are perfectly complemented by its atmospheric sound design, which helps to create a sense of unease and dread.

Somerville is a story-driven game, and the story is one of its strongest aspects. The game does a great job of exploring themes of family, loss, and hope in the face of adversity. The game’s ending is ambiguous, but it is sure to leave a lasting impression on players.

Overall, Somerville is a well-made and emotionally resonant game. It is a must-play for fans of puzzle-adventure games and games with strong stories.

Here are some of the pros and cons of Somerville:


  • Unique art style
  • Atmospheric sound design
  • Strong story
  • Challenging puzzles
  • Emotionally engaging


  • Short length
  • Some technical issues

Overall, Somerville is a well-made game that is sure to please fans of puzzle-adventure games and games with strong stories. It is a short game, but it is packed with content and is sure to leave a lasting impression on players.