Salt 2: Shores of Gold – Review


Given that Salt 2 is still in development, this commentary is also useful for checking the game’s quality. The game’s concept goes pretty far. Sunsets and sunrises are beautiful, and the overall levelling system is rock-solid. Most players feel that the current combat system is too slow, and that it is too easy to pick apart a cave or camp by hitting one character away from others with a bow and then patiently taking out the rest of the inhabitants.

The lock picks I’ve crafted or found have been incredibly fragile, so I’d love to see a perk that increases their durability. In a game where ships, a massive procedurally generated island system, and brilliant cartography all play starring roles, it’s a little strange to be the only playable character who can currently access the ocean. Facing an onslaught from a bear or other hostiles without a convenient vantage point from which to fire down on them? Quickly retreat to the shoreline, where you can toss out your boat, climb aboard, and snipe your pursuers from a safe distance. For all the emphasis on constructing and upgrading ships as you play, I hope that ship battles will eventually be implemented. Perhaps in a development down the road.

When I first started playing, I was constantly getting hit, even when I tried to back away as quickly as possible because we couldn’t dash backwards like we could forwards. Not terrible, and I’ve improved my character by training agility, but it would be great to have enough stamina late in the game to dash around a camp, alert everyone, and then dash in between them or whatever else might be necessary.

Even with the sensitivity set to 2 on the x axis, the controller’s looking function is extremely sensitive. A 1 would be too slow, and a 2 would be annoying until you got used to anticipating your next move. After struggling for a while with the bow, I’m only three character lengths away from my target thanks to a slight nudge on the right stick. I improvised by first adjusting the height with my right thumbstick and then fine-tuning it with my left. The bow’s accuracy and range are remarkable once adjusted. If you aim with cross hairs, you’ll get a direct hit. Furthermore, the bow is only to be used to start fights. Bowing around to avoid an opponent while simultaneously activating the left (draw) and right (fire) triggers is challenging. This is a minor problem that could be fixed in future updates by enabling the player to lock the draw with a double left click, directing the game to continue drawing at the character’s right while they fire.

Fishing from the boat is a fun and easy way to pass the time while commuting between islands.

Putting aside the minor issues, I feel like I’ve already gotten my money’s worth and will continue to play. Ship combat would make this game even better for me. The best of the best, should that possibility/threat ever be included. Listen to Salt 2 and show your support for the group. Indeed, they are performing admirably.