Road 96 – Spotlight

Road 96 can be crudely described as a procedurally generated road trip. And while that does describe some aspects of the game, it’s also so much more than that. You play as one of many teens trying to get out of a country ruled by a tyrant. There’s an election coming up, but most of the youth has lost hope and would rather start a new life in a new place. You start off as one of the teens, hitchhiking and freelancing their way to Road 96, which leads out of the country. The journey can be exciting, dangerous, relaxing, and even emotional at times.

this is where the procedural generation kicks in – you’re asked a few questions at the start which can loosely direct your initial few steps. One my first playthrough I met a raging drunk with a heart of gold, a scummy gas station guy, the police, a fellow teen figuring it out, and a young kid with a similar destination. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it out. But instead of a fail state, I was thrown into the shoes of another teen, and I set out again. This time the encounters were different, though some of the people were the same. I met the same drunk guy, but this time he gave me a ride. I met the same kid, but this time at a diner.

Every encounter offers a story, or some kind of life skill, and sometimes money. All of this comes in handy along the journey and can even be crucial to getting out. I had a great time on the road – the music, the visuals, the characters, and the journey itself was good fun. But I can also see other looking for more gameplay not having the same fun I had. And this is where Road 96 becomes hard to recommend.
If you enjoyed games like Life is Strange, where the point of the game is the moment to moment “feels”, then Road 96 will be right up your alley. I am still exploring the possibilities, and plan to see as much of the game as I can over the next few days and weeks.
Awesome soundtrack
Great art style
Fun characters
Good sense of adventure
Not for everyone
Score – 9/10
Summer 1996, Today is the day!
You hit the road. Adventure. Freedom. Escape. Run. Flee the Regime. Try to survive.
On this risky road trip to the border, you’ll meet incredible characters, and discover their intertwined stories and secrets in an ever-evolving adventure.
But every mile opens up a choice to make. Your decisions will change your adventure, change the people you meet, maybe even change the world.
There are thousands of roads across the authoritarian nation of Petria. Which one will you take?
Road 96 is a crazy, beautiful road-trip. The discovery of exciting places, and unusual people on your own personal journey to freedom.
An ever-evolving story-driven adventure inspired by Tarantino, The Coen Brothers, and Bong Joon-ho. Made by the award-winning creators of Valiant Hearts and Memories Retold. Announced as part of the OMEN Presents initiative from HP Inc.
Moments of action, exploration, contemplative melancholy, human encounters and wacky situations. Set against a backdrop of authoritarian rule and oppression.
A stunning visual style, a soundtrack filled with 90s hits, and a thousand routes through the game combine so each player can create their own unique stories on Road 96.