Sub Rosa Makes Initial Public Early Access Offering Today

Independent developer CrypticSea and the shrewd business minds of Devolver Digital are proud to announce that experimental online shooter Sub Rosa transitioned to public Early Access on Steam.
Sub Rosa initially launched as a hidden app on Steam in March 2017, accessible only through a direct link, with the goal of keeping the playerbase small and manageable during early development. Developer CrypticSea has improved and iterated on the game through the past four years as the community grew to over 50,000 players through word of mouth and the occasional appearance on YouTube or Twitch.
Players engage in tense deals, double-crosses, and the occasional high-speed car chase in an effort to earn cash and buy new gear, cars, and fancy suits for their corporation. Employees can shift between a persistent World Mode, a workweek in Round Mode, and the deception-filled Eliminator Mode.
“Sub Rosa is the embodiment of how Devolver Digital handles business – lots of confusing phone calls, reckless driving, and an exchange of money at gunpoint,” noted Devolver Digital CMO Fork Parker.
Sub Rosa is currently in an extended and indefinite Early Access period and players are encouraged not to purchase Sub Rosa without watching gameplay or doing a modest amount of research into the game at