How AMD’s Ryzen Changed the Market

As a PC enthusiast, the last few years and right now are some of the best times for us. But it wasn’t like this a few years ago. Ryzen seemed to have changed all of that. Specifically, budget gamers who wanted more bang for their buck. Especially content creators who were just starting out. Because now there were options. Options that weren’t outdated.

Ryzen came in when 4c/4t was “enough” for gaming and going above that was not advised. This was mostly due to the high prices of CPUs back then. AMD dropped the bombshell that was 1st Gen Ryzen and the market has since changed for the better. We finally had a CPU that offered more cores and more threads for a reasonable price. While 1st Gen Ryzen took the market by storm, it still had a few things that could have been improved like single-core performance.

Ryzen 2nd Gen rolls around and a lot of the feedback was heard and answered. We got even more improvements and Ryzen took over even more market share when it came to CPUs. Ryzen became the go-to CPU for most people to recommend. It offered so much for a great price. Gaming, content creation, streaming. All of it was possible with a budget CPU.
AMD’s plan of supporting the same chipset over the course of half a decade was also a great move because upgrading to newer CPUs became easier. You could just get a new CPU without changing your motherboard. All you need is a BIOS update and you’re good. This led to even more budget PC builders to pick Ryzen over the competition.

3rd Gen Ryzen rolls around and consumers couldn’t be happier. Even though 1st Gen Ryzen is still relevant and performs quite well, 3rd Gen Ryzen improved even more. Better IPC, better power efficiency, faster RAM support. All of this was not JUST for budget gamers though as there are so many options for the entry level, for laptops and even those who want higher end builds.

All of this is just us being excited about Ryzen Gen 5. We’ve seen how amazing Ryzen has been so far because of which we can’t really wait to see what’s in store next. Ryzen coming into the market really changed the whole landscape and the competition it was has created has really helped improve the whole ecosystem.